Author: admin
Family Ties
Wedding tips & family ties….
Many families these days are complicated by divorce, remarriage, step relationships, or family feuding. Try to accommodate these issues as early in the planning process as possible. Adjust what you want to what others need. Try to keep the peace! You want to be able to look back at your wedding in ten years and be proud of everything you did and remember it as a happy day for EVERYONE!
Planning a Wedding?
Tip of the week: Once you have become engaged, you need to be a team – a solid front! In your future life together you will need to make decisions both small and big, and both sides need to agree. Always keep the three C’s of wedding planning (and life in general :0)
– Consideration
– Communication
& Compromise
And we are here to help you with all of these aspects while planning your wedding for a smooth and exciting future.